Re: [Salon] Did Twitter files expose how Dem leaders created conditions for war?

That great Conservative/Republican Evangelical, servant of the Israeli Radical Right, Mike Huckabee, and father of the new Governor of Arkansas, one-time Trump spokesperson, Sarah, has appeared in incessant TV ads calling for contributions for “Holocaust Survivors,” in Russia, and Israel both. As with any good scam though, it changes with changed conditions, and today, it's about the “Holocaust Survivors victims of Russia’s war,” in Ukraine. Notwithstanding  the divide in Israeli politics over the war is very much between the Israeli’s who originated as Ukrainians, and those who originated as Russians. With both, according to polls, overwhelmingly supporting their respective country of origin. Netanyahu’s faction is supportive of Russia. Which I think goes further to explain why Trump isn’t more rhetorically supportive with his fellow Republicans, like Lindsey Graham is loudest, of Ukraine, than any other factor. 

And we could never give enough money to the countries where Huckabee’s victims/supposed beneficiaries are from; Ukraine now, and always Israel, who “can’t take care of its Holocaust victims,” if we’re to believe Huckabee. On the accelerated time demographics we’re now now on, “A sucker is born every second,” and Huckabee is there to grift them. Not hard to figure out how such a massive “Cognitive Operation, by all war-promoters, of all factions, could convince us poor, ignorant citizens to dig ever deeper in our pockets to enrich war peddlers, and use blue and yellow garage lights. 

But "None Dare Call it War Insanity!"

On Jan 23, 2023, at 11:20 AM, Marshall Carter-Tripp via Salon <> wrote:

I receive constant appeals to help struggling Ukrainians, even to provide food for their dogs.  Apparently $100+billion in US funds is not enough for both bombs and food.  Some neighbors have changed their garage lights to blue and yellow….

On Jan 23, 2023, at 6:00 AM, Kelley Vlahos via Salon <> wrote:

Good morning!

The damning twitter files released this month by Matt Taibbi show 
how aggressive Democratic leadership and federal agency officials pushed a cynical narrative that brought the social media giant to heel while setting up the Russian boogeyman that haunts U.S. foreign policy and posturing in the Ukraine war today. 

My latest -- and first on American Conservative since 2020 -- explores how the Russian “malign influence” story helped get the public’s buy-in for a new Cold War by normalizing the idea that Russians not only helped  elect Trump, but were trying to "destroy democracy" & are still doing so today.

That ‘buy in’ helped to marshal American support for every single aid package, every step towards proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, without question. 

Please read and share if you are so inclined!



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